The Starfish Place has been developed in memory of one of the co-founders of Towards Outstanding Leadership, Ian Lawson, who sadly passed away in February 2018. Ian truly believed that everyone should have the opportunity to develop their leadership including those that may not have access to the resources to do so and it's in that spirit that this bursary place has been established on our Towards Outstanding Leadership Programme.
The place on the Towards Outstanding Leadership Programme is offered free of charge with the participant covering their own additional expenses such as travel. You can see information about the programme here.
Potential beneficiaries of the Starfish Place will need to complete an application demonstrating how participation in the programme would benefit them personally and in their organisation, and how they would use this development to increase their own leadership impact and influence. Applicants should have a passion for leadership development and the benefits this can bring and be fully committed to attending the whole programme and associated activities (coaching and workplace shadowing).
The process
Those applying need to complete an application (please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to obtain one) and attach their case for inclusion in this leadership programme. They can apply in the way that best suits them - a written statement, video, PowerPoint presentation or a mixture. They should include supporting statements and testimonials if possible.
So where does the starfish come into it? You may have heard Ian tell the starfish story as he often did. For him, this story illustrated the importance of making a difference. You can see him telling the story here - a few months before he died, he and Maggie recorded a masterclass series at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
If you'd like to know more about this, or receive a pdf you can share with others, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..