A one day workshop
We’ll explore how leaders can keep themselves well enough for leadership. Based on the area of positive psychology the work will include:
- Building personal resilience
- Identifying and making the most of our strengths
- Dealing with stress and maintaining wellbeing for self and others
- Improving performance
- A personal plan to suit your own preferences and non-negotiables
This workshop will explore how best to build resilience so that we're in as good a state as possible to fulfil our leadership responsibilities, perform at our best and role model wellbeing to others in our organisations.
We'll touch upon the importance of keeping well in all ways, recognising that without observing this fundamental all the other leadership development work is less effective. Included will be some work around what to do given that we know the importance of wellbeing practices (diet, lifestyle, exercise and so on) and yet so often these are the very things we allow to slip in times of stress or busy-ness. We'll look at how to move between performance and recovery zones without slipping into the less helpful areas of survival and burnout.
Beyond the basics we'll use tools and techniques that have emerged from the field of positive psychology in recent years. Particularly, you'll identify what works for you in terms of building and maintaining your personal resilience.
We'll see how identifying and building our strengths are key not only in terms of resilience, but also as a route to achieving excellence.
We'll identify what gives us purpose and how to use this to help us during trying times. Being clear about what fuels us or tops us up and how to access that as well as which relationships we have that are helpful in this regard and where there may be gaps to plug.
All of this will help make the quest to be fit to lead easier as well as learning helpful strategies we can pass along to those around us to strengthen those relationships as well as helping others build their own resilience and wellbeing.
The day will cost £375 + VAT
Further details from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 07840 120 607